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What your plate should look like.  Maybe the vegetables stacked higher and tuck that rice back into its side a bit.

Vitamin D deficiency and Illness

A Demonstration of Interval Training Dr. Mercola calls the "Crazy Eights".  


Interval training can be on of the best ways to push the body into super health in the fastest time possible.

Dr. Terry Wahls learned how to properly fuel her body. Using the lessons she learned at the subcellular level, she used diet to cure her MS and get out of her wheelchair.

5 simple relaxation techniques that can be done anywhere


Essure Birth Control:  Non abortive, perminant, works.

An illustration of just how much mercury escapes those silver fillings. If you decide to have yours taken out, please have your dentist follow safe mercury removal techniques described in the video next to this one and the PDF below.

How to remove silver fillings safety.


A PDF document that can be downloaded and shared with your dentist or friends.

Bone health, Calcium levels and ParaThyroid

How we can make deserts green again.

Dr. Terry Wahls learned how to properly fuel her body. Using the lessons she learned at the subcellular level, she used diet to cure her MS and get out of her wheelchair.

You'd never eat 16 packs of sugar yet there are 16 packs of sugar in one 20 oz. bottle of soda and most juices.

Growing Wheat Grass

Adrenal Glands 101

Can Meditation cure war?  Interesting concept.

What your Doctor doesn't know about the drugs he prescribes.

A video describing how to remove amalgams safely.

Watch and learn where our food comes from.

The US doesn't allow video to be shot in food processing plants anymore. It's an illegal activity now.

Makes me wonder why.

Clarke and Dawes ask the million dollar questions ABC News Australian Broadcasting Corporation.  Where is the money coming from?

An inspirational story about a man told he would never walk unassisted and his journey back to health.

© 2013 by Christopher Allison DOM AP

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